Kristin Nicole RothDavis Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Ever~lasting Love

Birds singing in perfect harmony,
Cottonwood blossoms gracefully flowing,
The breeze gently carresses her neckline
Blowing soft kisses, reminding her of last time.

When You Find Yourself......

When you find yourself in some far off place
And it causes you to go off in space
You slowly become someone else
....That's where you find yourself

((((Kindred Spirits)))))


These feelings that erupt in me,


Salvation allows the Angles wings to unfold, so I’ve been told
I can’t help but feel like I’m headed down a one way street
Concrete heavily pressin’ against my feet

Hooray! @! @ It's Father's Day!

Even though this courageous holiday
Doesn't apply to me in any aspect,

Have You Ever.....?

Have you ever thought you'd never see the day,
When things finally went your way?

1.2.3*(*(*(*my Life*) *) *) *3.2.1

Back trackin' over all that's been goin' on
I use to have this and that and way too much of those

This Is Me Now!

I am so fookin fed up with shit....
Stress has me feelin' like throwin a damn fit!

Soul To Soul

Listen to my call O' dear one, listen
Spirit sweetly calling to your spirit
So desperate for your loving touch so,
Soul inhaling another precious soul

A Vision Of Virtue

Once upon a balmy, moonbathed night ~
The tenderest dream, so heavenly bright
Wooed me in my mind’s gentle embrace.
While a spirit framed in most lovely face ~

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