Lamerre Lucie

Lamerre Lucie Poems

On the sand I stand,
Here, in front of the ocean.
My eyes gazing at the horizon,
My body as cold as could be.

There! Do you see it?
The lighthouse calling us far away in the blizzard,
Showing us the way back home, after such a long journey.

He fell in love
Every single day
With every single soul;


Dig deep,
Breathe hard,


In your eyes,
Hundreds of little shiny stars;

In your hand,

My own thoughts
Shaped the world I'm in;

"Who is the bravest man on Earth? "
Asks the blind priest.
"The soldier" says the little one.
"Cause he bears the pain to honor us."

I want my life to be an adventure;
No plan, no scadual, no restriction.
Let me the freedom of choosing
Minute by minute which road's the best for me,


The rain's falling outside,
In the cold, silver night;
And the wind sings in the leaves,
And Moon's Eye's on us all;


I have run a long way,
I have made it all;
Now I am out of breath,
And finding out that night has come.

Just as a child,
You believed in the absolute knowledge of your parents;
Just as a grown-up,
You believed in the wisdom of Church

There will be nights
When the certainties so harshly gained
Will all be blown away in one gust

The heart will bleed,
The head will ache,
The bones will break,
But, even damaged, will still go on.

Come on here,
Little one;
The rain has stopped,
The wind is low.

An endless sky
Above my head spreads its infinite possibilities,
So many ways, so much space;
Offered to whatever takes its chance across the clouds.

I will express what blossoms whithin me,
I will share what lightens my path;
And show these riches to the world,
And take pride in the greatness of Life's Art.

Running away from the rain, behind;
Chasing the drops in the clouds, up high;
Refusing to look at shadows, too dark;
Being stopped by a car crash, and then sigh.

Keep your head held high,
Keep your fists clenched tight,
Hold your breath again
And keep your tears inside.

Years have passed,
And leaves have fallen
Under the great oak,
As much as roots have grown,

You get to discover what's beneath again,
You get to catch the note of your true sound;

Do you remember

The Best Poem Of Lamerre Lucie

Trying To Catch The Sun

On the sand I stand,
Here, in front of the ocean.
My eyes gazing at the horizon,
My body as cold as could be.

They say: 'You get as much as you give'
And the sea pulls its waves up to the shore
And the wind blows the birds away.

I'm trying to catch the Sun,
Trying and wanting to give up

The Sun high and proud
Mocks me, looks down on me;
It knows about my weakness,
It knows about my hopes.

I want the ocean to roar at me,
I want the wind to blow me away,
I want to catch the Sun,
And to lose myself into its light.

Lamerre Lucie Comments

Fabrizio Frosini 09 September 2015

I've enjoyed your poems.. all those (5) posted till now.. So, please, keep on posting.. ;)

2 0 Reply

Lamerre Lucie Quotes

I guess that the practice of living in the present moment is the practice of deliberate focus on the stream made of your thoughts and feelings and sensations, while practicing non attachement to your past thoughts, feelings and sensations.

Sometimes we keep trying to be in the present moment, not understanding why we keep failing at it. It's because we miss the fact that what we are trying to be present with is not the present moment, but our thoughts and feelings about it.

Living in the moment is the art of letting go of what used to be the moment, but is not anymore, and to see that this isn't sad, cause the moment lasts forever. The moment is life, and as you're life (awareness) , you can't ever run out of it.

Look at every single being as a unique expression of source itself, a piece of Gods's art.

Every single emotion is worth holding in your arms.

Don't be afraid to show your true self to others, cause everybody is craving for someone to allow them to show who they truly are.

Truth is that it is absurd to keep trying to make pain comfortable or even quite pleasant. Pain is pain. The only thing that can make it bearable is to become aware of, and to fully understand, this simple, but yet misunderstood truth.

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