Larry R. Vandervert

Larry R. Vandervert Poems

Orenthaling-on deep in America's heart, now spilling quietly over
into Britain and the Isle of Man.

Orenthaling's soon everywhere, even though Nicoling's a distant,

I was orenthaling through Brentwood the other night, when in a sudden flash to my
senses I was transported to Chappaquidick Island at nearly twice the speed of light.

Now, to my surprise, I am back in Brentwood all safe and sound; but some thing's vaguely missing.

I don't know how to think about this darkness anymore.
Goldman sinks and sinks forever still.
The dark and deep is now sealing-- it's me it's stealing.

The Best Poem Of Larry R. Vandervert

The Verdict: Orenthaling -On

Orenthaling-on deep in America's heart, now spilling quietly over
into Britain and the Isle of Man.

Orenthaling's soon everywhere, even though Nicoling's a distant,
silent part.

Mary Jo K-ing silent, all that gentle warming sealed in isle water
according to orenthaling's plan.

Orenthaling, orenthaling.


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