Laser Lasoy

Laser Lasoy Poems

You say you love me but I know you lie
Because my heart tells me it is not so
Your histrionics bespeak of a girl sly.

Perhaps one day I shall return
When all the smoke's wafted away
And fire of fate no longer burn
In darkness of night and light of day.

I saw smoke rise from a forest fire
And as it rose higher and higher
It lost valour;
It lost colour.

I keep asking why
The sun does not fall
From that far sky
And burn us all.

What if the earth is really round
And lightning must come before thunder
Should I stand and wonder
Why I am bound

The Best Poem Of Laser Lasoy

You Say You Love Me But I Know You Lie

You say you love me but I know you lie
Because my heart tells me it is not so
Your histrionics bespeak of a girl sly.

You promised to love me till you die
That is great but sour is the truth I know
You say you love me but I know you lie

You say care for no one more than I
That you will be with me as our kids grow
Your histrionics bespeak of a girl sly.

Sometimes I feel like bidding you goodbye
But I love you so much to let you go
You say you love me but I know you lie.

You will sure think I am a heartless guy
If I go against what I earlier swore
Your histrionics bespeak of a girl sly.

My love I do not wish to make you cry
But the truth remains truth and nothing more,
You say you love me but I know you lie
Your histrionics bespeak of a girl sly.

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