LaShawanda Ivey

LaShawanda Ivey Poems

Thank you for listening to me
For all the times I wanted to talk
When I need you most
You made the stars shine so brightly just for me to see

I'm trying to figure out, Should I believe the things you say
Because all I've been getting are broken promises
and shattered dreams that fades away into the sky
Everytime your mouth babbles all I HEAR ARE LIES.

I'm trying to remember your face or your voice
It's starting to be like a faded dream
I remember your hugs, You use give
hugs like you was hugging a bear

My heart is like a clock
ticking away through time
It goes slowly ticking slowly
Like the time of the ancients

Lovers Please man your stations.
This a battle that is coming from
your heart and head.
Instead you want to battle it

Dear Love,
I have been thinking of you a lot these days.

Love you don't even call like you use to.

Everyday When I look at you
You are starting to look different to me
Because the way you keep coming at me

Give me Direction O lord
As I walk this road to search
for a place to grow in you more
Sometimes I sit at home alone talking to you

Hey Love I see you every night
In my dreams, You are tall, dark and lovely
Your eyes is deep brown and it cuts through my soul
Hey Love I like when you put your strong muscle

I'm sitting here wanting to know
What is the true meaning of love
It feels like your heart longs for direction
Love is like a four way street

Save me O Lord from the dark beast SATAN
For I am a wretch unclean.
Save me O Lord from myself
For I may see, do, or touch things that is impure

I remember the day I came into the world
You was so happy that I came into the world
I remember as a child, You told me thayou would give me the world.I remember
the dollar bills on the Christmas tree

L -O-V- E the word that's being passed around like a wet noodle that is limber and weak.
People always say this word but don't mean it at all.
I beleive this word should be used if you geniuely mean it.
Love sometimes hurt especially when you are loving


Love is so sweet like honey
It feels so wonderful
it makes you so high
like you floating in the clouds.

As I look in the mirror
I see all my flaws and impurities
I have.
Wondeing WHY I look so deformed

Hey, YOU I see you everywhere
You go and eveything you do
Here you are married
to one, But sleeping with another


So much depend upon the sunbeaming
Down hard on my face.
Thw dew in the morning on the flower
Flowers blossoms in the spring air

Around and around we go tossing words around to eachother
Just like a merry go round, The hurtful words you are saying to me
Cut through my heartso deep like a razor blade.
You made a promise to me that we was forever

Hello Mr.Dirty Man I've been watching you
You don't know my name, But I know your game
Here you are trying rob, steal and KILL
Just to get one night of a high thrill

LaShawanda Ivey Biography

My name is LaShawanda N. Ivey.I was born in Charlotte, N.C. I FELL IN LOVE with poetry when I was 7 years of age.The person that inspired me the most was my Grandmother Maggie Pittman. But I found poetry as my way to express myself. I hope you enjoy reading my poems. My Favorites are Egar Allen Poe, William Shakespere, Maya Angelou and the list goes on and on. I am trying to write my second book. ALL THESE POEMS MEAN A LOT TO ME.)

The Best Poem Of LaShawanda Ivey

To Someone I Adore

Thank you for listening to me
For all the times I wanted to talk
When I need you most
You made the stars shine so brightly just for me to see
For that I thank you
You told me open my heart
And let you in
You will be with me
Even until the end

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