Lawrence S. Pertillar Poems

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I Know What I Have Here To Give

I am not that one to forget.
To be pushed aside,
For something better to wish...
To inspect what comes next!

Strip Teaser

Strip teaser...
Each time you remove an unneeded vowel,
And you appear,
Exposing consonants clear...

It's Time For You To Awaken

No one is disconnected,
From the effects of having less.
Those protesting the state of the economy,
Are the ones in selfish isolation.

Afraid To Present Their Own

Those that have spent their time,
Discrediting others' efforts.
And wasting their lives,
Afraid to live their own...

One Way Or The Other

When someone over compensates,
With an opinion...
That is stated to instigate.
And stirs to irritation...

Give That Up!

There is no gain one can claim with pain,
That remains the same...
With a wish to rid it!

Preferences Attached To Match Elation

To know love,
Is to leave behind our fear and doubts.
Our limited visions of how things should turn out.
And let be as is.

What Is This 'Thing'

What is this 'thing'...
People keep on their eyes to peep.
What is this 'thing'...
People keep on their minds without sleep.

Steps That Have Been Taken

Everyday there is a rearrangement,
Of something that has been changed.
For people to insist no changes exist,
Will stop those from being born,

In The Comfort Of Our Homes

If noses weren't attached,
To the face.
Few people would know,
Where the back of their heads were.

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