Lawrence S. Pertillar Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Life Lost To Fleas

There is so much to it,
Than to just lay down and do it.
In days that have progressed like these,
So many are unconcerned about catching disease.

Introduced From The Beginning

When honesty is introduced from the beginning...
There is no reason for excuses,
To fake a chase to cover lies later on!
There is something about this activity,

You 'Are' There

When I discovered and found You 'there'...
I was alone and silently in constant prayer!
I made up in my mind,
I had to give You much more time...

Money Walk Done

Hiding behind pews,
With outlooks of perfectness.
No one obtains or admits to live...
As guilt feelings are more addressed,

Infested And Compromised

Concentrate on removing that stuff off your plate.
The 'stuff' that you ordered but now say you hate?
On the menu it may look tempting to please..
But the picture is painted,

Whatever It Is

Whatever It is that I am thanking...
And however It knows what It does.
I am grateful to have It know my existence!
Grateful that It enters my heart and my soul,

Move Them From This Classroom

That assignment may be a little too harsh.
It's impractical to believe these children will succeed!
This is a 'Social Studies' class, Mrs. Worthington.
And as your principal...

Doing Nothing And Getting Paid

There they are!
Standing where they were...
Where they are right now.
Doing what they did then...

Petty Wedged And Pressed

Petty wedged and pressed,
By a nothingness...
Too long unaddressed!
A strangulation of progess succeeds,

Cycles Of Death

An accepted pity celebrated with a toast.
Is this routine a joke at someone's roast?
And who is the one being 'done in' by these deeds?
A too comforting procedure,

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