Lawrence S. Pertillar Poems

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With Kept Vision

Your dreams to wish,
May for others seem ridiculous.
Not to know you at all.
Or how much what is wished wanted.

After Black History Month

Still after Black History month,
Has been given to pass fast its recognition.
Unknown will be those pioneers,
In communities far and near...

Disappointment And Patience

Those that have come to devote themselves,
To that which they have commited to do to achieve...
Have not done so because they thought it easy.
And there are more who believe this than few who chose to do it.

Shut Off Notices

'Even when to them done,
People still do not get the message.'

Trying to play catch up,

Good Advice Is Free

Looking up and down the street,
Before one goes across...
May save one's life without the strife.
And prevent paying a cost.

They Will Be Isolated

Let it be known.
I declare everyone ignoring my wishes,
To be immediately isolated.
With not another cent coming from me.

Having An Interest

Having an interest to understand something,
Makes it easier to comprehend.
And that understanding wanted increases to flourish,
With a nourishing that heals and mends.

The One Who Laid Down All The Pipe

When a mold has been broken,
It is difficult to replace its status.
Since the achitect needed,
To re-create the blueprint...

Dragged Into The Open

I am the first to sympathize,
With those wishing not to see...
Their dirty laundry dragged into the open,
So publicly for it to be seen on the streets.

A Belief In The Hitting Of Bricks

Believe nothing.
Especially if,
A repeated running into a brick wall...
Has yet to cement its purpose.

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