Lawrence S. Pertillar Poems

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Wishing It To Be Validated

If it has been shown and to you known,
That I have been irritated...
And wish not to communicate.
Why would you want to confirm it,

With This Understood

I agree.
I don't understand what you've been through.
But 'who' made those decisions?
None of which you made,

What Are You Saying?

Why are the people looking shocked and stunned?

'The one they elected to public office,
To represent their interests.
Has actually confessed to making a mistake,

Is The Kool-Aid Being Packaged With Crack?

High paying jobs,
Returning back to these shores?
After those same jobs were outsourced,
By greedy business owners...

Images Presented

The image that's presented,
Determines how impressive...
Those pretentious rush to protect.
And the image that's presented,

Pointless It Is To Back Away

When choosing allies...
One should not do it with the same caution,
As excuses and alibis are done.
Difficult it is to run away from deception,

Where Is That Common Ground

Show me proof of your substance.
And I will expose to you my sincerity!
With a promise I give to you it will be there!

When Riches Are Hand-Me-Down

If looks and appearance,
Were an indicator that ensured one's wisdom...
There would be very few,
Suited and tied with careful images...

Goosebumps With Shivers

Countless nights I use to lay in fear,
Sleepless and wondering how safe...
My personal security I held dear,
Was being jeopardized by those I could not see.

First To Thirst With An Impression Rehearsed

If success and the encouragement of it received,
Had always been the objective to reflect greatness...
The presence of failure would not have been introduced,
To produce mediocrity to use as an accomplished goal.

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