Lawrence S. Pertillar Poems

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Calm, Cool And Collected

There is nothing you have in common with me.
I have been blessed to keep the depth of my anguish,
Concealed from exposing its appearance on my face.
You have no idea what it takes,

It Is

What there is I give,
Is given and not to borrow.
You can take it to claim it yours.
That which I give.

Get In The Boat. Sink Or Float

Everything done today,
Occurred as you had 'your' way.
With opportunities to contemplate,

The Severe Changes Being Made

How severe are the changes today being made?
Remember when people who committed crimes,
Were locked away and sent to prison?
One not equipped to provide those incarcerated,

Many Incidents Intended

Many incidents intended,
Has evidence as incentive.
But no one pays attention...
Or listens to what's being said,

From Behind A Cart They Push

I've become less impressed on a daily basis,
With those who wish to express their views...
From behind a cart they push.

They Call People Like That Comedians

There are those with insecurities,
Who believe them to be less noticeable...
If they are quick to point out the flaws,
And blemishes of others in public.

Pride And Integrity

Many young are so accustomed,
To seeing themselves addressed ignorantly...
Religiously follow like sheep in these steps,
And accept this as to reflect...

The Detachment

An acceptance of what is,
To move on from it...
Increases the prospects of progress.
Although one will eventually admit,

Do It With A Doing That's Done

Keep the brighter light on your side,
Make it your decision,
You're going to stay everyday with it.

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