Lawrence S. Pertillar Poems

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When My Good Credit Debited My Kingdom

Suddenly I saw my fortunes rise.
And suddenly my luck got,
That which I had vanished before my eyes.

Choices Left To Make

Tainted food.
Poisoned waters.
And crazed minds,
Innoculated to prevent...

Excessively Broke

Wealth of abundance.
Wealth of friends who have abundance.
Wealth of friends who have abundance and influence,
With an ability to persuade those who have created...

Some Aspect Of Truth

There is much more to life,
Than having the ability to sit...
And create grudges.
To smear and smudge others.

What It Took For Me To Get Here

Perhaps I am old fashion.
With a joy of having peace...
And surrounded by quietness,
I've discovered I love alot.

Too Slow To Think

Step aside like the others,
After waking from a slumber.
Shake away your numbness from sleep.

Step aside like the others,

The Care Provider

The only ones,
Who will ever know what it is like...
To abandon their own life,
To become the care provider for another...

For Purposes To Sustain Exaggerations

When one speaks from experience,
And not from visions that are embellished...
It is difficult to call one like this a liar.
Especially when what has been mentioned,

People Everywhere Are Pulling Hair

Politicians have to end,
Their same old lies again.
For reasons why they need to spend,
So many millions to pretend...

That Interest Factor

That interest factor I once had,
Has packed.
It's gone.
To no longer wish to entice excitement.

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