Lawrence S. Pertillar Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Sniffing For Treats Left By Teasers

Not another offensive comment made to me,
To have it defined with a staying to stick in my mind...
Can be said,
That will introduce a shuffling of my feet seen...

This Has Not Been A Part Of My Experience

You come to me with a desire,
To have me explain...
How best to take each step you make,
On the way to accomplish 'your' dream.

Facts Have Been Subtracted

Regardless of those statements you've made,
To anyone who has given you time to listen.

I was the one who accepted your blemishes and flaws.

The Main Issue

The main issue,
Is not the continuing of injustices.
The main issue,
Are delusions kept.

Every Right There Is To Complain

You have the right to vote.
Invoke, provoke and joke.
Even going through the motions,
Is encouraged to promote.

Without Scheduling Nothing Gets Done

I will argue with you.
Or debate on any topic you wish.
And there is no need to look surprised.

With The Scaping Of Knees And Knuckles

I've learned to keep my own lips silenced.
To keep them shut.
Even though an opinion sat on my tongue,
Preparing for an appearance to be heard...

As Expectations Come To Go

As expectations come to go,
Few can bet on what had been selected...
To satisfy what time has realized.

You Are Just A Dog

You can not just...
Up and leave.
As if relieved to be unleashed.
Or make believe,

A Teaching Of Lessons

A teaching of lessons,
By one limited in life experiences...
Become less effective,
When those lessons are subjective...

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