Lawrence S. Pertillar Poems

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Be You Uplifted

Be you uplifted with those gifts you get.
Keep them polished with unrelenting persistence.
Never be persuaded to abandon them to quit.
Since jealousy and envy will always be there to insist,

An Accepted Way Of Life

I can today admit it.
I had been trained to be tolerant,
Of environmental nonsense.
With it believed to be a blessing,

Dropped From Acknowledgement

And suddenly prevented,
To receive.

With Ease, It Isn'T

With ease,
It isn't
To confront any task and complete those tests.
And with wishes to succeed,

When I Needed Your Comfort

Where were you,
When I needed your comfort?

'I then had no time to give.'

With A Giving Of Belief

All things and anything can be achieved.
And with a giving of belief...
Impossibilities from the mind will leave,

Truth Known But Concealed

Never be the one to feel validated and convinced,
That a truth known but remains concealed...
Will stay unrevealed in an approved suspended void.
To be kept expectedly undetected.

Expression To Address

Sometimes it is not safe to compensate,
For those gifts one gets to welcome with appreciation.
Sometimes it is the best thing one can and should do...
Is to pollinate the air for the purpose to have it known,

When A Cure For Them Was Found

Very few can say they miss in any way,
What they believed experienced but never had.
Or be heard from them to claim or it wished,
Of a happiness they would get...

Who's Fault Is That?

Give me a second to digest this.
You have stated...
That the person who had offended 'you',
YOU defamed and character assassinated.

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