Lawrence S. Pertillar Poems

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Desperate Indecision

No one should feel safe.
Remaining in the state of desperate indecision.
Giving no opinion made.
To think of themselves on a fence to stay.

Am I Not To Notice

Am I not to notice.
Whenever I am asked to participate,
And go to a church service.
Less not more do I notice what takes place.

Often Heard To Be Asked

There are some who go nameless.
To carve through obstacles.
With a doing done to walk a path.
And then be criticized for it.


A multi-versity.
Forever within dimensional heavens.
Unmeasured by light years.

Advocates Of Division

Advocates of division.
No matter where they sit.
On either side of the fence.
Buying into this nonsense.

That Which They Wished

Is It possible someone could miss.
Something they have yet to have.
And perceived by others to wish.
To then have others wish,

Sweet Nothings

Many years ago.
Before lies to tell,
Became white when told.
They were sweet nothings.

Coming But Yet To Arrive

Anyone who has learned how to follow.
And accept taking responsibility for their own actions.
With being dependable, accountable and disciplined.
Will most likely refuse taking a position of leadership.

Ignorance Kept

One's ignorance kept is self inflicted.
And a choice made to stay that way.
Limited with this sought to be approved.
With it to believe,

Witch Hunt

Out of hiding from all over.
The witches have come.
To join in on the hunt.
Hoping to find who it is,

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