Lawrence S. Pertillar Poems

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Logic Blockers

It is hard to maintain a trust,
Of those repeatedly making bad judgements.
And to keep them enforced,
Makes their decisions undeniably toxic.

For This They Have Reason To Walk Proud

With a loss of communication between them done,
What could be mending without comprehension?
Without that factor!
What understanding is being shared,

Honesty And The Depth Of It

Some allow their projections,
To become influence by their perceptions.
And when they project a perception incorrect...
They find themselves in situations,

Process Of A Divinity

If anything in nature had been created,
Based on falsities...
All that has been manmade,
To reflect a stability...

Muted Yules

Cheer we must,
With anticipated praise.
No muted yules should cloud our days,
With a stunting of celebrations...

Tight Thigh Holders Strapped To Stomach Wraps

One 'chronologically' aging,
In years that clearly appear.
With a slow pacing done.
And the carrying of aches and pains...

If I Understood The Art Of Being A Craftsman

I can establish and build upon a mess.
To have some express they rest comfortably.
And if nothing better than a mess has been professed.
But in my heart,

These Criers Would Not Have Survived

My family and I grew up in Hartford's projects.
Built in the late 40's as an experiment.
Needless to say,
That experiment involved people of color.

Immah Bee Mee

Whatever you see in me believe...
Immah bee,
Immah bee...
Immah bee mee.

When A Valued Peace Comes

When a valued peace comes...
So difficult it is to explain to someone,
The fading need to converse on the telephone.
The desire of experiencing nature walks alone.

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