Lawrence S. Pertillar Poems

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The Chase For Perfection

When does the chase for perfection begin to then end?
As a sacrificing gone unexpected with a sweat that's done,
Seldom comes to satisfy those efforts tried by someone...
In their attempts meant to please,

The First

It was the first time in decades,
That an American had won the Boston marathon.
I was listening for something else to be announced.
But it wasn't.

'This' Diet

Wishing with initiative to remain motivated,
And focused with a decision made...
To stay on a path one has begun to pave,
Can be likened to one's kept desire...

Dedicated To Unconsciousness

Each season introduces something new,
That comes.
With a blooming to remove a doing done,
Accepted as if expected...

The Consideration Of A Non-Action Taken

Affirming the consideration of a non-action taken,
Would be more productive for those who fence sit...
Than pretending an action thought to think about,
Is relevant to the ones awaiting to hear a debate...

Without Questioning The Appeal Of Ideals

'Offer to throw to them money!
It heals all wounds inflicted.
And will erase all agony,
From their memories claimed...

Promises Made Were Broken

Promises made were broken,
As unknown shadows crept from crevices...
Stealthily upon shoulders to cast.

Decay To Rust, Dust And Fade

I am not here to compete with dead poets.
Or those with pseudo ambitions,
To foster claims this is what they do.

The Pool Of Various Depths

The pool of various depths,
Offers more than many will accept.
The view for them can be overwhelming.

Such Activities

One day they are going to need,
Updated and refreshened explanations.
With a new set of excuses,
For their misguided deeds.

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