Lawrence S. Pertillar Poems

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Not Trying To Express Themselves To Others To Impress

Making attempts to reveal evidence that makes sense,
To someone convinced...
Those 'perceived' to live on the other side of a fence,
Are less than mentally skilled...

Often Finding Excuses

There is one thing that accusations tossed,
Always seem to prove.
Those that are often finding excuses to use them,
Do it to protect their insecurities...


There is not a season enjoyed,
From one's past...
Coming back packaged gift wrapped.

Unmistakable Certainty

Those who have decided,
To annoint themselves 'The Chosen People'
With a dictation of policy for humanity to follow...
Must not be getting any sleep these days.

The Nuitritional Value Of The Food Fed

Anyone who has already been convinced,
That conflict and confrontation is a part of life...
To be accepted and tolerated,
Are those who rush to defend the acts,

Love Of Family And Country

Those who flaunt their social status...
With a pretentious pride,
Of being amongst the elite...
Are so far removed from truth.

Those Sweet Tarts You Seek

You received the wrong memo.
I am not the one handing out sweet tarts.

I know what you have been told,

Initiative And Effort

Fantasy based realities,
Have eroded the sensibilities of many.
Bittersweet is the taste of the pudding these days.
And defiant are the stances taken,

How Deep Do You Want To Go?

Here we are!
At level one.

So Much Can Be Accomplished

Substance with content,
To affect with effectiveness...
Is the foundation of meaning.
With a purpose to communicate comprehension.

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