Lawrence S. Pertillar Poems

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Symbols To Worship

Symbols to worship,
Theft, deception and greed.
With it claimed them to represent,
A faith kept to keep...

Confidence Level

Keep digging.
It has got to be found.
We have already reported to the media,
A sighting of it has been detected.

I Could Not Be Here

I could not be here.
To do what it is,
Without you near.
Tolerating with patience.

Fool Watchers

Listen up.
Your assignments have arrived.
And let me just say this,

Table Of Contents (Issues)

Those issues others have to identify.
Should be enough to recognize when to leave,
Issues to realize not to have added...
To anyone's own table of contents.

The Ridiculousness Of The Ridiculous

The ridiculousness Of the ridiculous.
And the need many have found this to be,
An asset in their lives to depend upon.
More are seeking to stay medicated,

Acceptable Madness

Is this problematic.
And more noticeable to have it,
As clear to hear the roar of thunder.
To be heard in the distance.

Growing Up

Once anyone decides,
They have arrived to live life...
On their terms.
Doing this the best they can.

More Are The People

More are the people.
To point fingers, whisper and gossip.
Living lives loving to tell lies.
And spread rumors on others.

Cemented Fences

Guardians of cemented fences.
And rusted gates.
Defended to protect.
It can not be,

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