Lawrence S. Pertillar Poems

Hit Title Date Added
I Want Names

Oh no.
You think I am not aware?
Do you think I am blind,
To what is going on in the atmosphere?

Staying Power

Being an 'absentee' anything these days,
Is easier to do and accept...
Than to argue with those,
Awakening with accountable attitudes confessed.

If You Want Me

You've got to make me...
Feel as if I'm part of your heart,
And not a maybe.

Qualified As Ascertained

Time has a way of shifting around,
That which had seemed to be grounded.
And found to be significant with influence.
Once upon a time,

Toasted, Numbed And Roasted

You want to play hopscotch?
That's fine with me.
I'll take a shot of that scotch.
With peppermint schnapps,

Guess Who I Saw At The Mall?

Do me a favor?

'What's that? '

Once Ditched

Is it fair to enable,
Another who solicits it?
What dare is it to rock a boat,
When one can not swim.

Unfinished Notes

I don't do accolades.
Like the ones who do it.
With the giving of them freely.
I've been wounded too many times,

For The Purposes Of Making Claims

To take a piece and rave about its taste,
While disparaging the creator...
After learning who it was,
Who spent the time in its delivery.

The Outlook On The Horizon

The outlook on the horizon,
Seems to brighten as if to dawn.
With the rising of the Sun coming on.
Instead of a darkening done.

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