Lawrence S. Pertillar Poems

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That Promise I Made To Myself

I remembered when I promised myself,
I needed to stop complaining for no reason.
And the very day I decided I would do it,
I noticed my friends...

To Have A Tainted Taste

Crushed to dust are those rose colored glasses.
Worn to adorn highlighted ideals once valued,
And much trusted,
A rusting of rainbows have begun to appear.

The Proof Of That

After living through to experience decades,
Of tolerating disrespect and ignorant ways...
To them directed,
These actions once permitted have immediately stopped.

Done With A Commitment

Campaigning to convince others,
Someone picked to be depicted...
As despicable,
Only proves that one as doing 'something.'

Limited And Convinced

No one survives to completely resist,
To thrive in places...
Where an abundance of ignorance sits.
Since many are conditioned to base realities,

A Condiment

When honesty becomes a commodity,
Or a condiment one feels they should request...
Instead of it being delivered as part of the presentation,
It is suggested not best to select from that menu at all.

Sedated By Infatuation

As far as adapting to habits,
And becoming sedated by infatuation...
I never intended you to become addicted.

Today...I Get It

I use to be offended,
By those overdosed with self importance.
And captivated within their delusions.
As if to protect that which is respected.

Left Behind In Many Minds Finding Fault

One has a gun.
The other is young without one.
Respect and discipline have been tossed to the wind.
And the one with the gun,

I Question

I question.
With few exceptions I will question.
And inspect that which I select,
To understand and comprehend...

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