Lawrence S. Pertillar Poems

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Connecting Of Dots

You've wasted too much time,
Agonizing with an analysis...
As to how best to approach,
The connecting of dots.

Once You'Ve Picked Your Ticket

Once you've picked your ticket,
And there is a magic felt with it...
That's the ticket for you that fits.
One picked better than none,

Gone Are Touches Missed

When ghost shadows came,
To join a heart with stains left...
From a raining that seemed not to end.
Inside undried eyes,

Reminded Of Traps

How much to me does it mean,
To leave behind unpleasant scenes...
Of a past that clings as if cemented.
To live a life free to the fulfilling of dreams,

Part Of Your Life Too Often Quickly Dismissed

Play it safe and hope that caution is with it.
Suppress your passion and let it sit.
As you dance around the bushes...
Seeking to be accepted.

Stunned By A Running

Take this from me with a purpose to label it yours.
I wont be offended.
Nor will I be the one to defend my giving.

Attached To A Retro-Fitness

Attached to a retro-fitness...
Like a face that has been lifted.
Prepared and equipped,
To manufacture again anything...

Weeding Through Those To Rid

There will always be issues,
Among those insecure enough to have them.
Always there will be,
Those who put themselves in positions...

When Disparities Are Exposed

I am a writer.
Not a combat fighter.
I choose to use my mind for thought.
And not to collect schemes to manipulate,

Too Many Times

Too many times I have heard you crying.
With a sighing done about your life.
And too many times I have held you close,
With a wishing that perhaps I should loosen my hold.

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