Lawrence S. Pertillar Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Every Election Season

More are becoming less interested,
To openly address their business adventures.
Since a growing malaise these days,
Has been allowed to spread and lay...


If listening is not your thing,
Don't be offended when called ignorant.
So many pretend they comprehend,
To leave others knowing,

A Positive Expression

Everytime I hear words of encouragement,
Whether to me spoken...
Or someone else to express.
I take this as an opportunity,

Marriage Without Romance

Marriage without romance enhanced,
Should not be considered by anyone...
Already suspicious,
True friendship to start has not begun...

Nobody Knows

Nobody knows.
To suppose or propose,
What the effect...
Of a tomorrow holds.

From Limits Wished To Pick

A quick turn around found,
By those hot and trodden...
Down in the dumps,
Getting up to vacate....

People Waking Up

People waking up from a deep sleep,
With the beast...
Are trying,
To stop...

Food For Thought

I can not forget,
Intentions meant...
To prevent my dreams and wishes.
No I can't.

Caped Images Of Heros

Caped images of heros,
Coming at the last minute...
With a doing to prevent,
Perceived grief and rumored havoc...

With The Gift Of Love, To Be Loved

Give me something you have that I want.
Your touch, a kiss with hugs.
Your touch, a kiss with hugs.

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