Lawrence S. Pertillar Poems

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Not One Of My Greatest Attributes

My position has always been,
To present the facts!
With the getting of them out of the way.
To free the air of false pretentions.

Pooling From A Tank Of Picked Catches

Pooling from a tank of picked catches,
Examined and tested...
Eliminates second guesses.
And motivates with a boost what is expected,

I Took You Too Seriously

You have image with a sense of fashion.
You are cordial and appear to be accessible.
And you are social in a variety of public settings,
With a display of humor and wit on several topics.

Similar Tastes

Take a survey.
None of the polls are consistent.
In some thriving neighborhoods,
People have never heard of those...

On Substance And One's Perception

When people deluded,
Have also been fed validation...
That supports their beliefs,
Everything they fantasize...

With A Praising Of Mediocrity

Why does anyone believe,
Someone's originality...
Can be successfully reproduced.
As if in the doing of theft,

Acts Of People Apathetic Towards Others

Manipulative and calculating.
With a display of their failures achieved,
Are those fed with beliefs...
That being deceitful leads to success.

A Loathing For Wolves In Sheep Clothing

Why should my disinterest shown in you,
Be now of your concern?
You kicked me to the curb to be among the elite.
And I've gotten over it; you and my feeling of self defeat.

I Could Reach From A Stoop

Up from sitting on stoops in projects,
I can glow clear and bright...
As a star at night in the cloudless sky.
And visit a full Moon,

Under High Steeples

People cementing their relationships with others,
With a masquerading of their dishonesty...
To have others perceive them to be upfront,
And righteous.

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