Lawrence S. Pertillar Poems

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If We Are Not Here To Give And Receive

If we are not here to give and receive...
Why are we blessed with arms to reach.
And hands to offer,
What we have to share?

With Influence That Lacked Integrity

I've witnessed manipulators,
Come and go.
A few had used techniques...
As easily as massaging a couple of egos.

Soul Creator

Do as you must,
To accomplish that
Which fulfills your desires.


We can not blame anyone for ripping someone off!
Have we not extended blessings...
To anyone acquiring opulence.
And living to feed gluttony,

To Be Free Of Not Having Children

My mother would have my sister and I...
As kids,
To go look for a nice sized switch.
Then strip it before she whipped us with it!

The Reckless Ones

The ones that do not listen,
Seem the ones who can hurt the most.
The reckless ones!
Living without a care in the world.

Raised To Praise Ignorance

If mediocrity is selected as a favorite flavor,
Of the majority of people raised to praise ignorance.
Then mediocrity it will be,
To smother the influence of those most capable.

Robins May Have Red Breasts

I know why I am not included,
In your conversations.

Most of the time I am ignored.

Why Should I Wish To Just Sit On A Pedestal?

To sit on pedestals,
May be heights some wish to achieve.
But as for me...
Why should I place such limits on myself?

One Man's Foot Stool Is Another Man's Ladder

Have you ever stopped to take stock,
By inventoring those who remain as adversaries?
Those who took their time to find 'something' wrong you did?
And over the years and in retrospect,

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