Leonard Dabydeen

Leonard Dabydeen Poems

They call me illegal
unwanted in the eye
blue as the sky
but only seeing my colour

When I speak of history I speak well;
I leave behind the past where broken bones
Lay scattered on blistering sands to tell
Of atrocities that are mostly groans.

She creeps around my room
lulling any sound whispering
in the creak of my chair
or the opening of a cabinet

Shadows move among them,

amorphous like the wind

As tears fall
upon dehydrated cheeks
making their own free rivulets
without interference

This cool morning breeze

keeps my heart beating with joy:


Let me visit you today


It raged in mighty anger
like a hungry cougar in motion

Thunderous applause
As the lightning strikes again:
Rain rupturing earth.

I may bring to your attention
this posted affirmation
through the color of my skin:
that I am what I am.

must not be

In many different ways. Forgetting will be
difficult to remember. Each episode takes
another turn in the journey. How memory is so
nostalgic is beyond the life of me. Sometimes

How can you tell

what the hunt looks like

Your melodious voice

brings illimitable pleasure

I watch him in my dreams

(waking hours are sometimes dreams, too)

Who will come to your rescue

when the pain is erupting

Leonard Dabydeen Biography

Canadian - Guyanese born.University education. Freelance creative writer. Poetry manuscripts submitted in Poetry Contests in Canada & U.S.A.)

The Best Poem Of Leonard Dabydeen

They Call Me Illegal

They call me illegal
unwanted in the eye
blue as the sky
but only seeing my colour
my dark skin and I
they crimp minds with hate
even fornicate
their souls to flaming rage
and yet on impulse
I smile mischievously
‘cause I am hopeful
I am like falling rain
I run in gutters
I run in trenches
I put a smile on earth
trees and plants
they welcome me.

Leonard Dabydeen Comments

Leonard Dabydeen 04 February 2018

Contributor to The Society of Classical Poets, Member of Muse India e-journal, member of Metverse Muse (India) e-journal.

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Leonard Dabydeen 04 February 2018

Published author: Watching You, A Collection of Tetractys Poems, Xlibris Publications (2012): Searching For You, A Collection of Tetractys and Fibonacci Poems, Xlibris Publications (2015)

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