Leslie Marmon Silko

Leslie Marmon Silko Poems

The earth is your mother,
she holds you.
The sky is your father,

Rain smell comes with the wind
out of the southwest.
Smell of sand dunes

I will tell you something about stories,
[he said]
They aren't just for entertainment.

Leslie Marmon Silko Biography

Leslie Marmon Silko (born Leslie Marmon - March 5, 1948) is a Native American writer of the Laguna Pueblo tribe, and one of the key figures in the First Wave of what literary critic Kenneth Lincoln has called the Native American Renaissance. Silko was an original recipient of the MacArthur Foundation Grant, now known as the "Genius Grant", in 1981 and the Native Writers' Circle of the Americas Lifetime Achievement Award in 1994. She currently resides in Tucson, Arizona.)

The Best Poem Of Leslie Marmon Silko


The earth is your mother,
she holds you.
The sky is your father,
he protects you.
Rainbow is your sister,
she loves you.
The winds are your brothers,
they sing to you.
We are together always
We are together always
There never was a time
when this
was not so.

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