Leslie Philibert Poems

Hit Title Date Added
A Buried Man

A half moon at its highest point.

His first winter at the graveyard; the grey sky falls into
bits of ice: he may envy the lights of the rings of houses.
Strangers now carry parts of his life; nothing stopped, no place

Don`t Join The Army!

Don`t want to go to a strange land and have my ding dong shot off by
a nutter with a towel wrapped round his head who sits in the back of
a Toyota pickup; don`t want to look like a billard ball with a body
who runs about and sings nowmybrainisdownthedrain.Hate to listen to

The Ear That Won A Casting Show

Ladies and Gentlemen, this candidate is one of the most unusual we have
ever had on Superstar! His mother died before he was born, his father was a one-legged alcoholic pole vaulter whose only bit of luck was winning a ticket for the maiden voyage of the Titanic. Ear has suffered
a number of amputations - FBR, full body removal- and is also deaf.But despite all this he will delight millions of T V viewers and waggle his
lobe to a melody from Saturday Night Fever.

Without You (For W.)

the sun would join the Union of Astral Bodies and go on strike
Batman and Robin would have a big argument
the stars would become unglued and fall out
the Lunchpack of Notre Dame would dropp Esmeralda (oops..)


Cold. Stars. A breath you can see.
Hills stand round a village like ignored guests
at a reception.The lights of the street fail; they obey not.

Mrs Macdonald

You ran down from Culloden banging cars
off the motorway with your claymore.
You hated little smart arse Londoners
who diddn`t like algebra. I bet you drank


Crouching as many curves
in a bronze spring
a road full of turns


Let me seek asylum in the sea
silent depths of ice water
for I have swallowed sorrow

The Blues

Hit the bass and thumb the devil`s back
Or shift the chords (but keep the standard bars)
Let your fingers dance up a dark-sided guitar
To play the blue notes along a rail track

(the End)

a river full of dead pigs
a burning moon
a child squatting in mud

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