libby winlaw

libby winlaw Poems

The second day you said 'I Love You',
my heart froze with compassion,
The first kiss was irresistible
soft to the touch

The Best Poem Of libby winlaw

Only If

The second day you said 'I Love You',
my heart froze with compassion,
The first kiss was irresistible
soft to the touch
your arms around me, protecting and loving me,
but is it true love,
very few men aren't so open
but you say it how it is
wise and handsome
if only people could see
we were meant to be
they say everyone finds there silver lining
and i know i have found mine
but only if we could be
i said i loved you and i still do
only if we could be
high dreams for you and me
miss your every move
attempt to save what we had
but only if i stayed
you can not see
the pain you put me through
pain isn't love
love isn't pain
so this love will never be again

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