Hit Title Date Added
I Am Sorry!

"I am sorry! "
Did you actually speak those words last night?
I think so; I think I heard you.
I know you said it.

I Am The Victim

The alarum bell jingles; it was four a.m.
For the first shift to begin their journey
The period men were lost in sleep;
And were spoken to signs and omens

I Have A Dream

Oh! Who is he that loves America more than I do? Who?
For the pleasure and the love of my heart is but America
It is she that I love the most of all the countries in the world
To her I pay all the homage that I may unto a creature

I Love You

It's not a song to sing how I love you
It's not a story to tell how I love you
It's not music to play how I love you
It's not a novel to write how I love you

If Only...

If only the world around me could hear me
I will tell them I need her so dearly.
If I could walk out of my fear
I will have her as I so desire.

In The Seed Cometh My Relpica

Twas many and many years ago;
Young was I and young this maid
In a deserted region both we lived,
And face to face the doors of our huts.


Some, they say fall in love
Others say "I am in love"
But I swim in the ocean of love,
Uplifted by the waves of love

Last Night

Last night long after I bade
Good night and God bless
Everywhere around me
Nature proceeded to sing me a lullaby

The Doom Dungeon

From the merciless hands of the rulers to the ruled,
The wind of oppression blow stilly into flesh and bones
So many the minds of plebeians quailed out;
Thus no hope in their faith and amidst many I the orator,

The Memories

When my memory ignites
It clings on the songs
We sang on the beach
The music we played at night

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