liliana villar

liliana villar Poems

Can you feel that?
Can you feel it coming?
I feel it when the wind blows fearsfully through the open sky.
I feel it when I get goosebumps from just glincing around.

I told you once and I told you again
But you did it anyways
You betrayed me and filled me with rage
You kissed the beast with no regrets

Life is full of dreams that sometimes never become reality.
Like everyone else I also have many but, I just can't seem to make them come true.
I speak of them to many but, no one seems to understand where their heading.
They might think and say that she will never bring them to life no matter how hard she trys.

When people ask', How do you feel about him? '
All I do is smile and say love.
But, what they haven't noticed is how evil spirits dance on the edges of my lips.
While they give me evil thoughts

When I walk and think my silent thoughts
it seems to me like no one will ever understand.
But, how can they? I some times wonder.
Because I never speak my unknown silent thoughts.

Why do I feel so nervous?
Why do I feel like something is gonna happen?
Why so much mystery?
Why can't some one just tell me whats going on?

The day comes to an end and the shadows come out to play.
To kill your hope and faith.
They make you see things that will crush you to pieces.
They make things feel real although their just allusions.

You ask whats going on?
But, all you get is a silent whisper of unspoken silent thoughts.
You ask what's going on in your head?
But, all you get is wondering eyes that don't show my emotions.

Have you ever wondered why life is so cruel?
Well to tell you the truth I have never, not even ones
Have you ever wondered how a human could be so cold blooded?
Well I have never

Don't deny the one you love
Because denying means not knowing or caring for the person who is special to you
By denying you destroy a beautiful friendship which soon turned into something more

The Best Poem Of liliana villar

Can You Feel It?

Can you feel that?
Can you feel it coming?
I feel it when the wind blows fearsfully through the open sky.
I feel it when I get goosebumps from just glincing around.
But, when I look into an animals eyes I know they know that it is time.
Time for what? you might wonder.
Time for all the evil in the world to come to an end.
so, when ever you see destruction, flames, blood, or even death starring right into your eyes.
Let this words go through your mind
'I will never fear death and not even satan himself because God will always be by my side.'

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