Linda Ori Poems

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' Solace

I know you are fearful...................

Questioning your mortality -
How much longer?

Lost Dreams

How soon we forget
The broken dreams of yesterday
Now scattered across the sands of time
Like broken bodies half covered and forgotten;

' The Pasta Pot

Once there was a man who thought
Adept at cooking he was not,
Upon a dish of Bolognese
He ladled sauce that won him praise

Grandpa's Owl

My father believed in legends of Indian folklore -
Being raised in the Ohio River valley, he knew his share
He always believed the incessant hooting of an owl
Was the harbinger of imminent death.

Sports Fanatic

My wonderful son has a way with the girls -
He's tough and he's buff, and he has lots of curls -
He loves to play sports and he's usually found
Lifting, or batting or golfing a round;

! Night Dragons

They creep into your consciousness
And rearrange your dreams,
They banish your self confidence
And blight your thoughts, it seems;

Hasslefree Poetry

Poems, like poets, have much to say -
They may describe a rainy day,
They may sing love songs light and gay
Or speak of deep despair;

' Dreamscape

I shall in dreaming

The Universe.....

Ode To A Rainy Day

Pitter patter -what's the matter?
Can't go out and play?
Pitter patter - getting madder -
Hate this rainy day;

! Loyal Fan

You can take your golf and the rolling greens
You tennis with manicured courts neat and clean
Your soccer, your swimming, your basketball scene -
None measure up to............FOOTBALL!

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