Lolita Hiroshi

Lolita Hiroshi Poems

I sometimes wonder if I’m still sane
I’ve seen the sun and I’ve seen the rain

I wish that there were some wonderful place
Called the Land of Beginning Again,
Where all our mistakes and all our heartaches
Could be dropped like a shabby old coat at the door,

Gracias por ser tan bueno,
por darme tanta sinceridad;
gracias, gracias compañero
de la absoluta libertad.

You gave me hope
You gave me confidence
You gave me so much
But i have given you nothing in return

To this day I am scared
Physically and mentally
These scars no one will see
People do not care if you are hurting

Dare I hope to hope?
Is it safe? Is it right?
Am I hoping for nothing
But a black and empty night?

Cabbage always has a heart;

Green beans string along.

People say God is dead,
that miracles don't happen,
That love is gone from this world
Well that is not nor ever will be true


I hold out my hands and say a prayer

Shake me out of this dream I'm in,
where do I end, where do I begin?
Wake me up, I'm waiting for the word,

**Life is a Blessing**

Life is a blessing
A blessing from God

Something About Cate Haggland

I don't know how to explain it,
If only you could truly see,

Dont know who you are
Why are you here?
What do you want?
Thought you left for good

Ive given up the will to live
i have not another breath to give
Every tear my eyes have shed
At the same time ive wished i was dead

Tell me, Love
where have you gone.
I need you here
come back to me

Lolita Hiroshi Biography


The Best Poem Of Lolita Hiroshi

! ! ! All Because Of You! ! !

I sometimes wonder if I’m still sane
I’ve seen the sun and I’ve seen the rain
I’ve lived with joy and I’ve lived with pain
and all because of you

I’ve had love come in and fill my heart
I’ve had despair tear me apart
I’ve reached the end and gone back to the start
and all because of you

I’ve climbed the mountains, I’ve swum the seas
I’ve stood tall and straight and been down on my knees
I’ve sailed the world on a gentle breeze
and all because of you

Nothing has taken me as low or as high
nothing has made me laugh or cry
nothing has made me crawl or fly
nothing has made me reach for the sky
as much as my love for you

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