Lost Soul Poems

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My scars made from you, deepen as you tell me your mistake.
The sick feeling in my stomach. How much more of you can I take?
Your explanations, so full of excuses and lies.
Trying to tell me it meant nothing. The want to run and hide.

You Are

You are the light that shines from up above,
that guides me to the right direction.
You are the missing half of my heart,
that’s been lost in my soul’s resurrection.


Her beautiful brownish hair being blown by the gust of the wind
Her hazel eyes twinkling in the cold night
Her pale body glowing sparkly white
her beauty drawing me to the attraction of the light


Lying in the arms of my love
Fearing the worse to come.
Sights of the cloud trying to rip us apart
Holding on to my angel


Tears falling from my eyes, hurt from all the uncontrolable lies.
The fires rages in my heart, remembering all the times I fell apart
My legs crumbling in fear, sickened by ever undefined tear.
Eyeing the pain that let me turn insane.

When You Know

When you know i cannot take anymore living without you
When you know you are the first and the last for me
When you know i am waiting for you till the death
When you know i don't wanna tell anybody 'i love you'


After all these times
I am standing here right by your side
After all this pain you caused me
After all these tears you made me shed

The Killer

Sitting in my little dark corner
Rocking myself, trying to wake my dormant heart.
My eyes bloodshot, seeing the shadows surrounding me.
Shivering in fear, scared that my living days are over.

'The Lost Love'

O my lost love return to your place
Take over me and replace your self in this empty space
In me is only human, we learn from our mistakes
The flame is no longer burning

'What’s Left Behind'

Awakening from the hell
beneath thy soul and heart,
where it broke me and let me fall.
It took me and gave me no call.

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