Luke J. Holt Poems

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The Maltese Winter

Today i crawled back into my sock-drawer
and found an abused packet of incantation
ruffled and flared
like a punished lap dog in from a night of learning the sleet and chill and
how Capricorn snow tastes when mixed with nasal blood


I was born on a day so green
it filled my eyes with blue and yellow
I rose from a snug quilt of grass
I froze endlessly before my birth

Little Deaths

soak in the still
i am this

still as toys

Sorry, Pegasus

our crests dont match
i dont have what you have
i shriek curtains of grey gas instead


The windchimes are like the unwell laughter of a mad child

a sound that measures unrest in the air
and ciggles tinny at the gusts

The Kingdom Of Is

Lately the breeze hangs and rots like fruit
burping smells of pine and rain
in yesteryears alleys you tease dull fire

Briefly Recalling The Year Of The Horse

my cheeks crowded windows
where blood peeks through skin to see love closely
all the world a great blue den with low ceilings
the yellowest sun to ever sear tar and lovers and grass so alive it stains like green berries

The Sun A Keyhole

awake only moments
too hot for garments
all else are in tunics
feather fronds in apartments

Like Herpes On The Heart Of Errol Flynn

still staving throngs of your remnants
like Errol Flynn skirmishing with armies your perished love yields
that dry out and reemerge
without dying

John The Baptist

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