Lydia Thacker

Lydia Thacker Poems

I want to read a billion words
Write a song to change the world
I want to sing the song of my heart
Teach my son about girls


To make you smile,
I'd move the stars,
if I could find a way.

I have no words
With which to convey
The amount of hope
You have led me to find

If I could teach the people
to open their eyes,
look past the darkness,
reach for the skies,


Remember my laugh,
fresh and deep
as the needed embrace,

Mother Moon, shine bright this night
as I cradle the one I love;
guard his dreams with thy light
and rock him from above.

Darkness looms and
shadows grow long.
The moon hides behind
a thick veil of clouds,

Shadowed voices
Lamplight cannot illuminate
Lines on the wall
Pouring down

As I was walking by a pungent lake
Just outside of Meigs,
I stopped and did a double-take,
A frog with four hind legs! ! ! ! !

Death, you intimate nightmare apparition,
you cast us forth into galactic night,
extricate us from the unrelenting slavery
of our mortal toil

It seems that words
simply abound of late.
They but hover about my fingertips
and I need do little besides sit

I believe because
I must believe.
I love simply
because I do.


There is a peace
in my soul
in recent days,
for which I've


There is something in your smile
which I cannot describe

I know only that it is

I watch your chest rise and fall.
Snuggling close to you,
I reach out and gently touch your cheek
to be sure you are real.

Lightning dances
on the hills around me

Please, Lord,

My song for you would speak volumes
if I could bring myself to pen
the words you cause my heart
to sing. A million words and then-

You forge my organic addiction
with your tones of molten gold,
gleaming metallic notes of silver
-hardened, embossed, and cold

I glance up
At the sound of
Your muffled giggles


The rain in my soul
has been harvested by the sky
and falls in wet droplets
on my face

Lydia Thacker Biography

I'm a simple person who enjoys life's simple pleasures. Music, the beauty of the world coming to life in the spring, my son's three favorite things in the world, followed only slightly by a clear moonlit sky. I love my family, my friends who have become like family, and myself, finally. I don't ask for much - Love, a good book, my guitar, time with those who mean the most to me: these are life's necessities, to feel as though my life has purpose, to dream, to fly... I'm a worrier, a dreamer, a poet, a musician, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a hopeless romantic. Love is the only thing that lasts forever.)

The Best Poem Of Lydia Thacker

Bucket List

I want to read a billion words
Write a song to change the world
I want to sing the song of my heart
Teach my son about girls

I want to see the remnants of ancient life
Translate the word of god
I want to watch my son become a man
I want to find true love

I want to become a teacher
Play classical guitar
See beauty in everyone
Each night wish on a star

I want to make all my friends smile
To tell him how I feel
I want to learn to fly a plane
I want my wounds to heal

I want to dance in the rain
Watch the tree in my yard grow
I want to learn to speak French
To learn to shoot a bow

I want to learn to weave with my hands
To sing in every tongue
I want to dance the minuet
Live each day like I'm young

I want to play in fields of gold
Make hordes of apple pie
I want to swim the ocean's depths
To climb the mountains high

I want to study herbal medicine
I want to save a life
I want to paint a masterpiece
Perhaps become a wife

I want to give my everything
Study philosophy and god
I want to be a quantum physicist
I want to dig beneath the sod

I want to have a little girl
Spend more time with my son
I want to dance a spiral dance
Feel the blessings of the sun

I want to live the life I want
Be rid of poverty
I want to find my happiness
I want freedom to be me

I want to waken with a smile
Be free from despondency
I want to be able to run a mile
I want to live by the law of three

I want see the miracle that each day brings
Live believing that all gods are one
50 things to do before I die...
My bucket list is done

Lydia Thacker Comments

Ralph The Elf 20 June 2012

i liked duct tape and dreamland... i also loved dreams of my angel and some others i could not read them all but i think u have a way with words...very poignant write...keep it up

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