Lynn samantha

Lynn samantha Poems

a boy and girl walking home from school one day.
girl-so what are we doing tonight
boy-i dont know want to watch a movie
girl-sure what are we going to watch?

It lies beneath my skin as it tares at my heart.
Ripping me open, tarring me apart.
Im hurting always. Nothing will be the same.
Cancer has took over.

The day my eyes started to wander was the day you walked by.
You took me heart the day I fell in love with you.
When you made me feel was the day I truly felt.
The day you made me weak was the day I kissed you.

When you find someone who makes you feel loved.
You think love has no meaning unless you’re with him.
He pushes you away like your nothing.
You love him and he still has no clue if only he

You'r body takes my eyes attention.
you'r smile gets my smile, You'r moves make my love effection
You'r lips gets my world.
I'm Dyeing for You'r concupiscence

S. is for short, too short to see.
A. is for active happy and free. for money the green she doesn’t have. for many tears she had

Here is life
Once no gain
It’s hard enough
To get rid of the pain

I love you.
I want you
I need you
I am addicted to you

i made myself a snowball,
as perfect as it can be.
i thought i would keep it as a pet
and let it sleep with me.

People die children cry.
World spins while we watch the dark sky.
It looks so safe but it’s really not.
People are abused killed hurt and shamed.

It’s up to me to make my dreams come true
It’s up to me to choose only you.
It’s up to me to break the chain.
It’s up to me to contain my gains.

If you catch you're self looking up at the stars
just hopeing i'm looking up too.
Don't worry, I am.


Rused over
Rushed right
Rushed death
Rushed Light

Our devotion to hide the love we find,
The world we new the colder we grew.
I only wanted to show my love for you.
Trying to let out the hurting i had i cant Amagin, Seeing you flirting..

Why is it so hard to love?
Have you ever felt like nothing you did was good enough?
Why cant they just understand, We're humans. Like any other man..
Have you ever wonderd what went through their heads?

The top marks working around the clock.
The top marks working threw the night
The top marks showing us our fortune
The top marks making everything alright

Its only fun when its not you, being made fun of
being abused. The words hurt more then the pain.
My heart has been torn just being around here.
I'v been taken from my life and thrown into another.

what roses you bring that smell so sweet,
the smell of temtation giving in weak
my stomach clentched my heart beats fast
my eyes roll over with you in my past.

You cant see
You let me bleed
My heart seeks red
My soul seeks out

Lynn samantha Biography

I love writting Poems<3 I Write alot in my spare time. I think poetry can show how someone feels about another person, Or just how that person feels in jeneral.i'v been writeing since i was like....14, I'm 18 now and still kickin lol. alot of my poems were based on my ex that i was with for 3 yrs but things didn't work out. anyways no issue everythings back in place. I am currently writeing a story called 'to tame a cowboy' its interesting so yeah thats it.)

The Best Poem Of Lynn samantha

Romance Never Dies

a boy and girl walking home from school one day.
girl-so what are we doing tonight
boy-i dont know want to watch a movie
girl-sure what are we going to watch?
boy-not sure yet ill think of something
girl-lets watch a romance.
boy-nooo thats boyfriend girlfriend junk.
gurl-(sighs) but umm well...
boy- what? whats rong.
girl-i was just hoping.
boy-what? (confused)
walks to front door
boy-umm oook well ill see you later.
girl- yeah' right cya (frowns) as she walks away
girl goes over boys house and rings the doorbell boy answers

boy-Wow You look GREAT' thought we where just watching a movie.
girl-we are i just thought i would dress up a little.
boy-lol what ever
boy and girl sits on couch.
girl- soo what are we going to watch-gets closer.
boy-idk-backs up.
girl and boy start watching a horror flick
girl-hides face in boys chest.
boy-(smiles) kisses girls head.
girl-smiles back.
girl and boy look into eachers eyes.
boy-moves closer
girl-moves closer
boy and girl start kissing

Boy-i have loved you for so long im glad were togeather.
Girl-i loved you to i mean i love you so much does this mean were dating
Boy-yes and im glad im dating you.
A yr later still dating boy girl get into a fight
Girl-i have to go im sorry please just understand we cant see eacher anymore
Boy-please tell me why did i do something rong?
Girl- no no please just let it be where it is im sorry i love you bye
week after that night
Boy goes over girls house theres a moving truck.
Boy walks up...girl carrying boxes
Boy-why cant we see eacher anymore and whats going on with the trucks
Girl-im moving.
Boy-i noticed
Boy- where you moving to
Girl-Florida ill call you when i get there and settled
Girl- im sorry I have to go (starts to sob/cry)
Guy just stands there and watches girl leave. as a tear rolls down his cheek
3 years later.
Girl in collage now.and has moved on with her life
Girl-hey Alexis what’s up I have to go to Jon’s room he wants to talk to me.
I think he wants to ask me out yay cant wait I have a total crush on him
Alexis - i know... butt hey I have something to tell you.
Alexis-ok do you remember when you moved about 3 years ago.
Girl- yeah (confused) why? ?
Alexis- remember Chris.
Girl- ummmmmyeah? ? ? ?
Alexis-he is kind of be hind you
Girl-looks behind her and sees a tall handsome man with long brown hair she smiles as she walks closer to her long lost friend.
Chris-I have waited so long to see you Jessica
Jessica- omg (starts to cry)
Chris-I missed you
Jessica- omg I missed you so much
Jessica (blushes) he’s just a friend
Chris-its cool so what are we doing to night? ?
Jessica- omg (blushes once more) smiles and says idk you want to watch a movie.
At the same time Jessica and chris said how bout a romance and they both laughed
Jessica and Chris are now on there 3year in collage and still dating
three years after collage jessica and chris get married and have a baby on the way and they both live happly ever after.

Lynn samantha Comments

Dave Rendal 18 April 2007

hey writer chick, seems like u got a decent collection of poems. some of them were nice. keep it up.

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