Lynn Trudel

Lynn Trudel Poems

Her eyes do search around the room
Learning her new surroundings,
A gentle voice softly speaks,
That is familiar to her ear.

She is but seven years old with sun kissed hair mixed with shades of light brown. A heart shaped face and a slight slant to her velvet brown eyes gives her an enchanting look. One may think she is a silhouette for a character in a fairy story consisting of a little princess in a faraway land.

High up on a hill rest her castle; below the enchanted forest is where the unicorns play. She has a tender heart for creatures big or small with compassion way beyond her years that shows in her smile. She sits upon her pillowed floor with pen in hand she writes, her thoughts and dreams on paper bound, by golden rings that glimmer in the sunlight.

'Don't go back, only go forward
Living in the past just causes much pain.'

May I keep only the memories?
The ones that make me smile, and

Winter pours its chilling snowfall
With powdered snow that’s crisp and white.
All across the frozen lake
The swirls of snowflakes dance in the night.

Dear Poem,

I have written you many times over

The Best Poem Of Lynn Trudel

Brelynn’s Picture Book

Her eyes do search around the room
Learning her new surroundings,
A gentle voice softly speaks,
That is familiar to her ear.

A picture taken on that day
Mother with her child, and
As she grows the lenses will show
The beauty of her life

Exploring hands, feet, and toes,
And finding her new voice,
Forming sounds is becoming to her,
A quite enjoyable feat

Measuring the face she makes, and
Tasting her first foods
Crawling to her Daddy becomes
A race around the room

First outing to a party, then
A stroll around the park,
Coming home so tired,
Being rocked in Nanny's arms

Waking up to Mommy's smile,
Laughing at Boompa's dance
Standing in her play yard,
To master her first steps

Sleeping with her Woobie blanket, and
Cooing in her bed,
Flying half way round her world,
To meet her Daddy's Mom and Dad

And so her story blooms each day
A picture book is made,
About her life's adventures,
With many more pages to be made.

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