M. Asim Nehal Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Ai (Artificial Intelligence)

With the decline of human intelligence
some wise people decided to develop Artificial Intelligence
so that if a similar situation arose in the future,
AI will react quickly and correctly and provide appropriate solutions,

Senryu - Ripples Of Love

the ripples emerge
from very depth of my heart
to make my love flow

Monoku ~ Sacrifice

The greed of every human stands naked when it come to sacrifice.

My Raging Bull Is Ever Ready To Take A Fight - Humorous

My fierce bull is always prepared to engage in a brawl,
his horns are pointed, his hooves are strong after all.
He snorts and stamps, he rushes forward with might,
In battles, he never backs down from a fight.

A Morning With Nature.

They whisper secrets, nature's mettle,
when morning dew adorns each petal,
who asks these buds to grow and glow?
and embrace the magic that spring bestows.

How Similar Our Life Is When Compared To A Rice Grain

Rice stirs and steams in a boiler,
does it not reflect the life of humans?

From murky, thick, and hazy waters,

Once Upon A Time ~

Once upon a time, in a deep valley,
There lived a young shepherd with a flat belly.

He roamed the fields, tending his flock,

Ants On Her Dead Body.

In the slow sound of violin, I shall lament,
for an eerie sight which I had witness and I so bent,
Ants on her body, they crawled and roamed,
A haunting scene, in darkness, intoned.

Haiku ~ Nature's Hygiene

Torrential downpour
cleansing the world with its might
nature's cleansing power

Senryu - Infilled

when I gaze in eyes
I see infilled galaxies
an expedition

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