M S Ahas Poems

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Ballet Girl.

She is a bashful girl bathing in the rainy day.
Her painting body swings like a tide.
Passers by run to their abode without watching her fiery image.
Only her lover watches with thirsty eyes.

The Eternal Dawn

The dawn is gleeful
With the shadow of my beloved.
It cheers
With the tone of her voice.

Full Moon

Night cheers
With glittering light of moon.
Entire sky is reddish
For her golden light.


Rosalin became my friend,
When I played with her
In the heart of afternoon.

Everyone loved and adored

Don'T Weep

Don't weep
And begin to laugh,
Because the world is making history,
And taking pride,

On Love- (7)

How much can I cry for my beloved?
Yes, I can cry and sob for the entire day, for a month,
And throughout the year for my beloved.
Although tears don't come from your eyes.

Light Of Knowledge

I was fooled
By the shadow of darkness,
Because the light had gone.
So I need the light of knowledge

Dead Souls

Dead souls whisper, frown to each other
And sing a carol of redemption.

They're happy and proud,

Switch Off The Light

Switch of the light,
Because the day has come to an end.
I welcome the ship.
I sit on it

I Lament

Days after days,
Months after months,
Year after year,
I'm waiting.

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