Malcolm Bradshaw

Malcolm Bradshaw Poems

Dear God we ask,
Take care of our little child,
Someone who means so much to us,
So beautiful, so gentle, so mild.

The seed of life is precious,
It is protected with love and care,
It is nourished with love and kindness,
Through emotions of joy and despair.

Of all the people in the world,
There is none so good as you,
A caring and gentle soul,
Who is honest, kind and true?

We are gem’s that glitter,
When born upon this earth,
Each one of us sparkles,
From the moment of our birth.

When searching for spiritual truths,
Sometimes they may be hard to find,
Do not falter in your searching,
Just keep an open mind.

A tear of sadness had to fall,
I felt it from the heart,
The day I lost my loved one,
We did not want to part.

The Golden Light

A golden mist filled the room
I was not frightened all was calm

A hush fell over the battlefield,
Men sighed a sigh of relief,
In the distance the guns were heard,
So their silence was but brief,

Flowers on a lamp post
A loving display
Tributes to a loved one
Whose life was taken away?

Leave the world to God,
Who’s laws govern within,
Let him be the bearer of the truth,
Let him correct all those that sin.

As I looked into the sky,
I saw a beam of light,
It shone directly over me,
So beautiful and bright,

In a land of spiritual beauty
Where soldiers now reside
All comrades together
Now stand side by side


These gifts of spirit I bring you,
Each one is wrapped up with care,
Each one is very precious,
A present for all to share,

Let us all join together,
In thought in love and peace,
To cover our world with patience’s,
So that all up evil will cease.

Beyond this land of beauty,
Is a land that shines so bright?
Where peace and harmony stand side by side,
All bathed in Gods own light.

When you lose someone to spirit,
It leaves an empty space,
There is no one to relate to,
No more that smiling face.


Why do we criticize God for what happens
Why do we say he is to blame?
We are always quick to point fingers
When in our lives we feel pain

We are part of the God force,
It lies in all those that see,
A vision of truth, a vision of love,
A vision that all men are free,

From the world of spirit we are,
In time we shall return,
On loan to this material world,
To gain knowledge and to learn,

Malcolm Bradshaw Biography

After leaving school I started my working life at Nottingham Forest Football Club hoping to become a profesional footballer I had some success but was unsuccessful in taking it further. I got married and became an Landscape Gardener, By this time we had a daugther followed by twin boys. I then changed my job once again and became a Security Officer for five years, I then left and went as a forman in a factory. After a few years I joined a Commuications firm and beame Operational Manager. It was at this time I became involved in Spiritualism and after a few years became President and that is when I started writing Spiritual Poems. I then started working for Nottingham Trent University as I security officer I worked my way up the a Security Supervisor I am still at the university but I do retire this year. Which will give me more time for my poems and church work. I am hoping to put my poems into book form as I have over 500 waiting to be published.)

The Best Poem Of Malcolm Bradshaw

The Loss Of A Child

Dear God we ask,
Take care of our little child,
Someone who means so much to us,
So beautiful, so gentle, so mild.

A battle fought when tiny,
To stay upon this earth,
A child that was very weak,
From the moment of the birth.

Our prayers were sent for healing,
We gave thanks every day,
For the time the child was amongst us,
But alas, still was taken away.

You have taken the one we worshipped,
To your home in heaven above,
I am sure you had your reasons,
For taking someone we love.

My child I know you are hurting,
You feel life is not the same,
You have nothing to reproach yourself,
You were not to blame.

God took back to heaven,
A rare and beautiful flower,
He has planted it in his garden,
Will surround it with all his power.

The spirit of your child,
In heaven will develop and grow,
To be surrounded by those good people,
Will be surrounded by those you know

Although you have lost the material,
The spirit will be strong and true,
The good times you remember,
Your child will be close to you.

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