Manonton Dalan Poems

Hit Title Date Added
051010t You'Re The One I Want

a long line at souvenir store
so as the line at dairy queen
i have craving for ice cream
they run out of conpineapple

050410e Everything Went Well

i came to work late by a few
they noticed my pant's leg
tucked underneath my socks
i was hurrying i could imagine

050410f Always Something To Do

on metal decks i have to wait
they took their time a little bit
then they came another wait
for parts it's coming by truck

050410g Beating The Norm

oarless boat anchored by lightbouy
focal point of vast sea to morning sun
it is turning to the flow of ebbing tide
bow is pointing to the beautiful shore

050410h I Watch And Listen

on the channel there's lone goose
she tried to swim to me; current fast
change her agenda; went to coast
with a sad honk spread her wings

050410i Nature Takes Care Of Themselves

moss are growing above
good two feet from water
a seaweed like dandelions
dripping sea morning dew

050410j It Could Be You

i could have walk a mile or two
just thinking, thinking of new you
fearing of what, what should i do
besides go to sleep til tomorrow

050510a Check On Her

we took off the metal cage
wild beast sleeping at rest
probe it with stick she growl
we have to take her away

050510b Down The Pit

smoke from dragon's nose
send panic to startled crews
group was dispatch to coral
her from running wild to par

050510c Md Is It Thumbs Up

my shadow is lurking on my toes
when i went to office to see boss
they said he went to quick lunch
i have nice chat with the bunch

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