Manonton Dalan Poems

Hit Title Date Added
050510h Another Way Of Preserving

floating milk bottle for nets & traps
is unattractive sight on this channel
not far away few diving cormorants
they fly underwater looking for fish

050510i Calmness Could Be Dangerous

i'm awestruck with calmness
when shore start to recede
only tiny ripples on surface
i'm waiting for jumping fish

050510j Trying Not To Work

i happened to talk to a gentleman
retired from government last month
he is taking his time without a plan
fishing the wharf at morning sunshine

050510k What Did The Crow Told Me

during our conversation black bird came
skinny as if not eaten for days with limp
as usual crowing to familiar tune, a sign
i must go somebody must be looking

050510l What Am I Thinking

i noticed a faucet dripping on wharf
could be winter prevention from crack
it is warm now like my beating heart
i reach in to shut it off somebody should

042910a Journey In My Mind

stealthily crawling with bow
so close to ground like glue
arm, ready to strike at the foe
from a lonesome rock, full view

042910b A Gift For You

one night by the riverbanks
heard a thunder strike a tree
it didn't burn but broke a twig
saw a men clothe red and a wig

042910c Sweet Smile Can

puppy with curled tail between legs
noisy, ruggedly clothe, playful kids
blooming girls of the wilderness
giggling; came to see the lovely dress

042910d Can'T Be Erase

watching ripples beneath the moon
tired, lonely sitting alone
heard gentle steps; smell of perfume
i know you're coming very soon

042910e None Yet

cold, soft slithering on my feet
leaves falling on my face; so net
cool breeze, green grass still wet
monarch on your hair, while you sleep

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