Marcello Comitini

Marcello Comitini Poems

Men scream in the darkness of their pain,
more than the seas lashed by hurricanes,
more than the mountains lost in the storms.
Some scream pierceds by love,

Sopra una tazza di caffè o seduto su una panchina del parco o
portando a spassoil cane, avrebbe ricordato qualche incidente
dalla sua giovinezza - niente di significativo - arrampicarsi su un albero
nel suo cortile, aspettare in campo a sinistra da battitore

The Best Poem Of Marcello Comitini

Our Names

Men scream in the darkness of their pain,
more than the seas lashed by hurricanes,
more than the mountains lost in the storms.
Some scream pierceds by love,
others sneer behind cruel masks.

Who is the one who is satisfied with his life?
Who is that man who has not been torn apart?

The stars shine taciturn in the sky
and the crickets along the lawns do not stop singing.
The strong and sonorous cry of the universe
envelops us with its immense nothingness.

Some raise their eyes without seeing, others throw
soft glares of humanity.

When we'll be satisfied with our crying,
we will be able to we forget those masks?
We will canlisten in silence,
discover our names
inside the eternal cry of the universe?

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