Margaret Alice Second Poems

Hit Title Date Added
I Have A Song [revised]

Two of my projects are working beautifully; first is T shirts
worn back to front, the low-cut V-shaped neckline meant
I was always cold, reversed I’m warm & decent, besides a
high neck-line reminds me of My Fair Lady's old-fashioned

Feelings Converging In Wonderful Passions [revised]

An episode of Good Luck Charlie* makes me realise I need
to reread ‘The Enchanted Garden’; would be best to read
‘A Little Princess’ right afterwards, then Anastasia series –
stories for younger children add more joy to my life than

Up Above The Situation (Revised)

Alet my friend, I wish I could throw a switch
so you'll understand how important you are,
know how wonderful it is you’re here to share
the off-centre jokes your friends and I make

A Base-Line Neanderthal (Revised)

Being government officials reporting to a base-line Neanderthal
is strange indeed, so while Kaspersky makes our life hell Mdm
Pompadour struts her stuff, insulting all and sundry showing no
love or regard, disgracing her victims to vague feelings of chaos

Sunday Morning Notes

My Sunday Morning Project is to decide what to do
to make the best use of time: first is finding a new hot
water bottle for Nici, after two months coughing non-
stop her computer was moved from the study into her

Evil Incarnate In Her Eyes

She hurt me bad, she made me sad, she broke my heart,
she saw to it that she made me feel inferior, just as she
preferred the company of her husband’s first wife to that
of her twin sis, tonight her car broke down – again – we

Blame Me For The Incident [revised]

Blame Me For The Incident
Mother ill with flue you said, you wanted to
take her home – she demurred but I spurred
you on; now this, your car broken down again,

A Tone Of Voice [revised]

How is it possible for a tone of voice to
convey so much aggressive accusation,
such dissonance – all sensitivities of an
unfortunate hearer are compromised,

Genetic Code

Our genetic code follows the same rules
on which all human languages are based:
syntax, grammar and semantics - and we
can conclude language did not appear by

Keep My Teeth (2)

A shocking piece of information, an article claiming
people suffering from arthritis should have all their
teeth with fillings and implants extracted - the last
remains of teeth cut from the jawbone to prevent

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