Margaret Alice Second Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Nici’s Gift Poem

Written For My Birthday

Marilese, Marilese…

Approaching Old Age [revised]

As she’s my new role model I bought a
Miss Marple handbag; Agatha Christie
created her through fictitious realism -
she’s a sharp mind in fluffy old-lady-pink

In Pink And Blue [revised]

A pink umbrella equates
to rose-coloured glasses;
Hanlie grins - says your
poncho-burka will keep

Droplet Strings [revised]

A visual memory of rain
becoming a cloth of fine
lace framing the shining
fluorescence of grass &

Chase The Grey Coldness (Revised)

My umbrella’s magenta not ordinary pink and
magenta is the placemat under my keyboard;
pink rose in my zenith-blue mug and a purple
star on my magic wand - upright zenith-blue

I’d ‘ave Begged For More (Rev.)

Blue poncho, lunging with magenta umbrella
sword for an impromptu rendition of “Singing
In The Rain” - which my audience completely
failed to appreciate; I rediscovered waltzing &

My Ice Queen Years (Revised)

In my zenith-blue oversized jersey I decide that it
shall be my favourite colour of all time, combined
with the new lavender cloth below my keyboard -
far more calming than magenta and cerise mixed

Ice Queen Ran Off (Cor.)

The Ice Queen ran off, blue accoutrements
left at work, clad in pink like a mischievous
sprite she bought mama a soft throw and to
top it off, pink basket and dishcloth, working

Everyone Is An Embodiment

Monday morning, a new week in which to extrapolate my
ideas, calibrate my routine until it’s fine-tuned to deliver
dividends, to explain how unwavering ideas continue
without the need for human presence:

Inexpressibly Happy [revised]

So caught up in my sombre thoughts I forgot ideas
are eternal, harmony remains the same, the Golden
Section never changes - new expressions of every
well-known idea are original creations representing

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