Margaret Alice Second Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Awful Dance (Revised)

I changed into a road-hog today, became guilty
when a black car swept into the right lane where
I drove peacefully in a Zen trance - then slowed,
other cars passed on the left, this unleashed my

Exemplary And Lavish Extravagance

Aaah, Madame La Pompadour needs time off
from the office they had built her, soundproof,
air-con, and everything she wants inside, today
she plays chauffer to the children in her neigh-

Erased Without A Sound

Oh, woe is me, let all lament terrible destiny,
the awful fate encountered as I was doing my
duty: A sudden dropp in blood sugar levels and
I cannot carry on with my lovely document, a

Sweet So I Can Have Peace

I feel terrible, the story I'm reading keeps me in suspense
because it does not make any sense, the unhappiness of
the characters suffering terrible passion and despair gives
me a headache, I don't believe anyone could be so upset

Mad And Growing Worse

Lost sense of chronology due to food allergy, un-
balanced and feverish and irritable - awful to sit
still - as long as there is pressing work to do, it
is easier to ignore these symptoms

Rain Messages From Him

The fitful rain makes me whimsical, outside the phosphor grass
glows with its own light, the turquoise swimming pool turns into
a jewel and the sky becomes a uniformly grey expanse, every space
is marked by perforated lines switching on and off as the rain

Faith Overpowering Love

Unfortunately the author entertaining with her Gothic vampire
horror reached a point where the hero and his evil counterpart
became inexorably and inextricably entwined - just like Harry
Potter and Voldemort - the ending became predictable and

Quarterly Review (Revised)

Did not sing in key, made so many mistakes, changed
the wrong things, did not find musical tonality required,
missed references, inserted others that should have
been left out

Infinitive Of Rire

After conjugating verbs in French class
seeking the infinitive of rire, nous riions,
but we did not laugh because we watched
a French film noire

Fresh New Feeling

What a surprise to come home to a bedroom
all light and airy with the promise of perfume
exotic delight in the flowers I put everywhere,
white sequined scarf draped artistically over

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