Margaret Alice Poems

Hit Title Date Added
2010/02/03 Disseminating Hope

Helplessly bored while
facing my chores, working
against the tide, paddling
upstream in a nightmarish

'Tally With Reality 17/11/09

Time to prepare for tomorrow, to change
my dial from happiness to sorrow, getting
ready to charge the next hurdle, the ubi-
quitous production sheet, the bane of my

'On Autopilot 18/11/09

Oh wondrous pain, ice-cream caramel
for breakfast, wiped the files in my brain
cannot prioritise, mind resonating with
nothing, gone all emotion, I am a

'Blessed Unconsciousness 09/10/09

I haven’t found a single Dutch term
IRC and lurisnummer, in vain I trawl
the internet, I bet Hanlie knows where to
find police terminology, the Dark Middle

'2010/06/29 Golden Song

After in-depth analysis it seems the only job
which I would be able to excel in would be
sweeping streets, done according to the
principles set out by Beppo Streetsweeper

'2010/05/05 Without Grace

Poppies, golden explosions of orange-edged
light bought to brighten my patch of grey, this
icy spot in the office - a source of comfort
against the dour sky outside, giving up on

2010/07/06 Monument

Taking the stones you gave me
to the office, removed the flowers
from my computer top, once before
when I was lonely and lost, I used to

2010/07/10 Creating Visions

I read “Who Walk Alone – A Consideration Of The
Single Life” by mission author Margaret Evening -
recognising myself in what she wrote, have been
caught in all the snares she describes

2010/09/09 Amoxicillin

Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, the brisk and brawny doctor
who would not listen to me gave me antibiotics, I took
it without checking to see what it could be, Augmentin,
Amoxicillin and Clavulanate, names suggesting exotic

2010/11/02 Need That Tepee

Thank you, you have revived me! I felt so
meaningless writing without my friends, tried
to cling to you all the time - yet you seemed
so distant, so cool, my heart was leaking air

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