Margaret Alice Poems

Hit Title Date Added
2010/11/02 Need That Tepee

Thank you, you have revived me! I felt so
meaningless writing without my friends, tried
to cling to you all the time - yet you seemed
so distant, so cool, my heart was leaking air

Variations: Alice Had Become A Valence Electron!

Then Alice came upon Niels Bohr, sitting
on a mushroom drawing atomic structures
for quantum cells: Who are you and what
do you do, asked Alice; I’m Niels Bohr and

Fantasy: Camouflage Cover Tracks Of Incognito Spy

Today I read a most fascinating
account of exciting conspiracy
theories – enough to feed the
imagination for hours to come:

Family: Modern Saint Of Womanhood

I didn’t want to go
back to where I
left you,
but I

Work Poems: Undercover Agent

Every time I do something at work
I am reminded to make a note for
the next round of assessments –
my first reaction is no, I won’t; I

Have Not Repaired My Fractured Aura Again

Spent a lovely soap-bubble day
happiness built on nothingness
a fantasy, until I got home and
that fragile bubble was burst by

Early Morning At Work, Laughter And Fun

Early morning at work, laughter and fun;
talking about TV last night, how a team
had to guess the next words of characters
in old Afrikaans movies and older photo

The Evening Is Also Ruined

Coming home in a negative frame
of mind; I tried my best to think
the best thought I could find; trying
to focus on everything good – but

Nile Crocodile In The Sunshine

The Nile Crocodile
needs to lie in the sun
to digest her
crocodilean breakfast

Did It Please You To See Us Cringe?

Did it please you to see us cringe?
Did it enhance your self-image?
Was it fun to feel your power over us?
Was it satisfactory to diminish us in your sight?

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