Margaret Alice Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Blue French Into Red-Hot Benchmark English

A somnolent Nile-Crocodile regarding the antics
of the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs - How Great
Thou Art - meeting needs and lending agricultural
implements and handing out medicines and walking

Afr: Visioene Van ‘n Nuwe Aarde Optower 7.31.2008

Westerse denktradisie, literatuur en aanames is
geestelik en filosofies bankrot; soos geïllustreer deur
die twee wêreldoorloë en die huidige wêreldpolitiek,
asook die samelewing gebaseer op die gebruik van

Spinning Like Candy-Floss Filaments (Rev) 6.13.2008

Under pain of death, under all manner
of provocation and threat in the red
fire burning of aversive motivation
– I cannot go on with this text. The

All We Have - Our Dreams 6.15.2008

Watched a political program called “Carte Blanche”
about crime in South Africa, about a club for parents
who lost their kids to violence

As Grey As Everybody Else… 7.25.2008

One sleepy Nile-crocodile in the swamplands
of her office, floating about between the debris
of her documents; surfing the Internet to check
possible translations of scientific jargon

Overcome By Bureaucratic Speak

I LOVE, ADORE – in fact, I’m overcome
by bureaucratic speak, I’m smitten by
what our administration has done:

Dancing All The Way

I shouted it on the stairs
I shouted it everywhere -
finished my presentation
my long Congolese

Afr: ‘n Dam Vol Ellende En Klagtes* 8.4.2008

‘n Suur Ozzie-onnie is ‘n wonderlike ding, altyd aan
die raas en blaas, altyd kwaai met my, deeske dae
alewig morrend en klaend in versmaat ook, polemiek
en repliek oor al die onheil van die wéreld waarvan

Other-Worldly Whispers Of The Happy Undead

This quiet moment of bunched-up time
has no more room for me, I look around
and see my book Spirit Communication
that has to be returned to the library; but

Madame La Guillotine’s Kiss Of Death

In happy self-righteous justification,
Margaret Alice walked three blocks
down to Kingsley Building; invoice
resubmitted has been rejected

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