Margaret Njoroge

Margaret Njoroge Poems

Let my tears fall down my cheeks...
Let them rash down if they have to.
I know you want me happy...
I know you want me smiling.

Margaret Njoroge Biography

Am named Margaret Njoki after my Paternal grandmother. I was born and went to school in Nairobi, Kenya. This is also where I attended school, both High School and Primary school. Presently am in the University of Nairobi studying for Bachelor in Law.)

The Best Poem Of Margaret Njoroge

Let My Tears Fall

Let my tears fall down my cheeks...
Let them rash down if they have to.
I know you want me happy...
I know you want me smiling.

There's so much on my heart,
So much dirt.
Layers and layers of dirt.
My heart is so heavy,
Burdened by all the layers of dirt
I can barely carry more.

Let my tears fall down
Let them clean away the dirt;
layer by layer at a time.
Let my tears wash away,
Let them roll away all the dirt.

Don't question my tears.
Don't pity my tears.
Don't wipe away my tears
or else you'll take the dirt.
Let them fall freely,
Let them wash away.
Let them cleanse my heart.

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